Ducted Air Conditioning

How To Use Ducted Air Conditioning Efficiently To Lower Ducted Air Conditioner Costs 

Your ducted system comprises a series of ducts that run from the central until to vents around the home. Its greatest benefit is that it gives you complete control over the temperature in each room. As temperatures rise, it’s the right time to know how to use ducted air conditioning efficiently to help you prevent sky-high energy bills.

We believe that enjoying a comfortable indoor temperature doesn’t have to be expensive. So, here are a few tips on how to use ducted air conditioning efficiently and bring down your energy bills:

Adjust Your Thermostat

One of the first things you can do to bring down running costs is to adjust the temperature using the thermostat. Now that we’re smack in the middle of summer, set your thermostat to 24°C. It’s good enough to beat the heat and won’t make your unit work harder. Once winter starts, you can switch to 20°C and stay nice and cozy.

If you’re considering taking advantage of those sunny days by installing solar panels, that’s a great idea: you can easily set lower temperatures during scorching summer afternoons! That’s because your solar panels offset electricity costs typically incurred by keeping the system running at a lower temperature. Just remember to bring the temperature back up to 26°C in the evening if you don’t have a battery system.

Take Advantage of Zone Control

Ducted air conditioning units have zone control features that let cool the rooms that are currently in use, while the rest of your home maintains a steady indoor temperature. So, if you’re not using certain rooms, keep their doors closed and turn off the zone cooling for that area. Plenty of ducted systems also have smart controllers that allow you adjust systems depending on occupancy levels or outdoor temperatures. It’s a good way to increase savings on your power bill while increasing energy efficiency.

Turn It On Earlier

When you have a ducted inverter system, you should reconsider turning it on in the afternoon when it gets really hot. Sure, your system will be running for fewer hours, but it’ll need to work extra hard to cool down an already-hot indoor environment. Not to mention, you’ll be tempted to set the temperature too low so that your home cools down faster. Unfortunately, doing this doesn’t cool your home any faster, and just leads to excessive cooling, which increases energy consumption.

When setting the temperature, remember that every degree of additional cooling or heating during the summer or winter raises energy consumption by 5 to 10 percent. That’s why we recommend staying within set ranges of 22–24°C and 20–22°C for warmer and colder months respectively.

Keep Your Ducted System Clean

Ducted air conditioning systems from most companies like Mitsubishi Electric have an internal air filter that’s constantly exposed to dust and debris. A clogged or dirty filter ends up restricting airflow, making it much harder to cool down your home and leading to a higher power bill. For consistent heating and cooling all year-round, we recommend replacing the filter every three months.

To keep dust from getting into the filter, we recommend cleaning the indoor unit and grilles over the vents once the summer and winter seasons start. It’s also a good idea to check the outdoor unit and removing any obstructions in front of it.

Run The Defrost Cycle

During the winter months, your air conditioning unit may run a defrost cycle when temperatures drop below 7°C. This is when the unit stops heating for several minutes and starts blowing cold air. To reduce the need for a defrost cycle, set the temperature between 21°C to 24°C and let it run the cycle instead of turning it off.

Use Built-In Timer Features

Air conditioning systems with smart features, so you can set the thermostat to turn on and off at specific times of the day or once it reaches the desired temperature. Doing this can help maintain a comfortable environment inside your home, without causing excess energy consumption. For this, it’s important to know about the weather forecast, so you can decide on the right time to turn the system off.

Block Direct Sunlight

It’s one thing to close doors and windows to keep cool air from escaping, but you need to use shade as well. This means keeping direct sunlight from entering your home. Draw the curtains, shutters, or blinds to stop sunlight from entering and warming up your home.

Get Energy-Efficient Insulation

If your energy bills have skyrocketed recently, it could be because of inefficient ceiling insulation. Poor insulation allows hot air in your roof cavity to enter the indoor environment. Considering calling a trusted air conditioning service to inspect your roof space and provide solutions to ensure efficient heating during the winter months.

To maximise the benefits of your insulation, we also recommend sealing minor cracks near windows and doors that allow cooling and heating to pass through. Sure, it’s a small change, but it has a major impact on your unit’s efficiency.

Consider a Ducted System

In case you’re still using a split system to maintain a comfortable temperature around the home, it’s time to get energy efficient ducted air conditioning system. This is especially if you have multiple rooms and need better temperature control for efficient operation. Ducted systems have advanced climate control to keep your unit running without causing higher energy consumption. Another reason people are making the switch is its reverse cycle technology, so you get a ducted heating and cooling system.

Get An Energy Efficient Unit Installed

If your current unit isn’t performing as well as it used to, maybe it’s time for a new air conditioner. You can determine air conditioner efficiency by checking out energy ratings. SEER ratings refer to the unit’s Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, so systems with higher ratings will deliver quality air and cost less.

Schedule Regular Servicing By Temper Troops

Perhaps one of the best ways to make your air conditioner work efficiently is to get it serviced regularly by a licensed air conditioning technician. Have them come in once a year to inspect your unit and make any required repairs and replacements. It helps you prevent major breakdowns in the long run, allowing you to save money while ensuring an efficient system. Now that you’re aware of how to use ducted air conditioning efficiently in the winter and summer, contact us today to schedule an inspection! We provide affordable prices, efficient services, and quality workmanship!

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