best airconditioner temperature

What is The Best Air Conditioner Temperature For Sleeping?

It’s true that getting a good night’s sleep is essential for overall well-being. A steady sleep cycle comes with plenty of health benefits, like brain function, weight control, and more. But getting a good night’s rest isn’t just about how many hours you sleep, it’s about the quality! And the temperature setting on your air con could be what’s affecting your sleep quality.

Most studies show that setting your AC near 18.3 degrees Celsius is the best temperature for sleeping. But is that the right setting for your needs? Here’s what you should know about setting the best AC temperature for sleeping in Celsius.

The Importance of Setting The Right Room Temperature For Sleep

Your sleep cycle and your body’s temperature are interconnected. Your body’s natural sleep cycle is influenced by its temperature. If your room is too hot, you end up feeling restless, leading to a decrease in REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. But if it’s too cold, you’ll end up tossing and turning unless you get a few extra blankets.

When you’re awake, your body’s core temperature fluctuates constantly, and your brain controls this efficiently. When it’s time to go to bed, our core body temperature drops to a lower level, gradually taking us into the sleep cycle.

Have you ever gotten so hot or cold while sleeping that it made you wake up? That’s because your brain’s temperature regulating system switches off during REM sleep. Then, your body regulates its temperature based on the sleeping environment i.e., the temperature of the room. This makes it important to set the right ambient temperature for your room.

The Best Air Conditioner Temperature for Sleep in Queensland

Though the ideal room temperature can vary depending on whether you’re a cold or hot sleeper, experts agree that cooler temperatures are more effective. That’s because it helps reduce your body’s temperature, preparing you for sleep. So, what sleeping temperature should you set when living in a humid region like Queensland?

According to experts, 25 degrees Celsius is the best air conditioning temperature for sleep in a humid climate like Queensland. While it’s far off from the 18 to 19 degree range, there are a few factors you should consider to set the optimal sleeping temperature.

How Setting Lower Air Conditioning Temperature Affects You

Whether you have a ducted or split system air conditioning system, it’s likely that 18 degrees is the lowest temperature setting. While it’s definitely close to the ideal temperature, keep in mind that it can have unpleasant effects on your health and energy bills.

Air con systems remove most of the moisture from the air, and when you’re exposed to that cool air throughout the night, you could wake up with a dry or sore throat.

How Setting Lower or Higher AC Temperatures When Sleeping Affects Energy Efficiency

Now, let’s discuss the energy efficiency side of things! Choosing a lower temperature could have a significant impact on your energy bills. Even though setting the air conditioner’s temperature at 18 degrees doesn’t seem that low, each degree makes a huge difference.

With every degree you lower the temperature, the AC needs more power. This is especially the case during warmer months, when the ambient temperature is higher since running your air conditioner at a lower temperature requires it to work much harder. So, a higher temperature difference between the outside environment and your room means greater energy costs. The solution? Set it to 25 degrees for sleeping during the summer.

Why 25 Degrees Is The Best Temperature For Sleeping in Queensland

Humidity levels are another reason local experts recommend that you increase the temperature on your air con. When you set your air conditioner to anything lower than 24 degrees, it negatively affects the system. Queensland’s high humidity causes condensation to form on the grilles and ductwork of air conditioning units.  That’s why most homeowners feel like 25 degrees is the best aircon temperature for sleeping without affecting the air conditioner’s efficiency. After all, the optimal temperature isn’t just what’s most comfortable, but what saves you money at the same time. Our advice is to find the perfect balance between comfort and cost-effectiveness.

ducted airconditioning

Why A Ducted Air Conditioning System Is The Best For Comfortable Sleep

Did you know that the types of air con systems in our homes can affect the quality of sleep we receive each night? Many modern air conditioners are designed to help you sleep more soundly than older ones. A ducted air conditioner is the best choice for better sleep.

Silent Operation

One of the main reasons homeowners prefer this system is that it operates silently. That’s because ducted reverse cycle air conditioners have specialised insulation that dampen vibrations and combat mechanical noise.

Precise Temperature Settings

Installing an air conditioner with a ducted system means that each room has dedicated temperature control. Since every zone has its own thermostat, the air conditioner detects its temperature and keeps it constant throughout the night.

Sleep Mode

Today’s smart systems are also equipped with a sleep mode to set the room’s temperature in a way that you remain comfortable all night. Advanced sensors bring the temperature of the room back to a pre-set level. They maintain the right temperature by slowly lowering or raising it as needed, so you sleep comfortably without any interruptions, while bills stay low.

Zone Control

Now you can set the perfect temperature for your bedroom without worrying about its impact on your energy bill. Zone control settings allow you to close off ducts leading to unoccupied zones. This way, only rooms that are being used receive cool air.

Programmable Settings For Routines

You can also take advantage of smart AC systems for precise control over your sleeping environment. An important feature of a smart system is that you can set routines for your AC unit. With a routine, you can adjust the schedule to meet your sleep habits.

If you sleep at a specific time, we recommend setting your air conditioning unit to start cooling the room earlier. This way, your desired temperature is achieved by the time you’re ready to go to sleep. The drop in temperature signals to your body that it’s time to sleep.

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